Study: Brits spend £3.3 billion over the festive period on office treats

Here at Quidco HQ, we love the not-so-occasional office treat, especially at Christmas time. But we got to wondering, how much do we actually spend on office treats and events during the festive period.

After a little digging (and a survey of 2,000 people up and down the UK), we found that the average Brit ends up spending £169,74 on office Christmas culture. This includes buying nice things for the office and going to the pub for festive drinks.

The average British white-collar worker gets roped into spending £47.31 on pub visits for socials, buys £72.71 worth of sweets and biscuits, and spends £34.74 on gifts for their colleagues. This can all make working throughout the festive season a costly practice.

Not everybody ends up spending the same amount, it turns out. Men tend to be more likely to dig deep for colleagues, racking up a £243.13 bill over Christmas on job-related activities. Women, on the other hand, spend an average of £137.57 around Christmas on job-related activities.

Age also played a part on how much people spend at Crimbo. Gen X and Gen Z are the most frugal, clocking up bills of just £137.88 and £228.88 respectively, while Millennials are the most generous, splashing out £260.95 on work-related activities.

Where you live may also be a deciding factor on how much you end up spending. There's no need to worry if you work in an office in Newcastle, as we found that office workers in this city end up spending the least out of the whole country. You may be in a bit more trouble if you're working in London, however. Office workers in the capital end up spending the most amount.

We all know that spend goes up a little at Christmas, but who knew the country spent a massive 3.3 billion on just the office party season!

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